Looking for a Vacuum Pump? Why You Should Consider Choosing the CDC30 Cordless Vacuum Pump.

Given how dangerous refrigerant can be, many engineers will ensure that the pump they use is one that can be relied upon. 

It’s tempting to opt for a cheaper model when first entering the HVAC industry, but it’s important to ensure that the vacuum pump is fit for purpose. 

Of course, every engineer will have their preference when it comes to choosing the right vacuum pump, but not everyone is aware of all the options available. 

Although ensuring liquids are transferred in the right way is important, engineers also need to ensure that the vacuum pump being used can help aid productivity. 

There is no vacuum pump that can contend with every type of job without there being drawbacks, so being aware of the options available ensures that engineers are always able to access the right tools every time. 

The CDC30 Cordless Vacuum Pump may look like other vacuum pumps, but it does offer features that can set it apart from others.

The Features of the CDC30 Cordless Vacuum Pump

As well as offering features to help carry out tasks such as residential splits and commercial installs, it is also the only two-stage vacuum pump that is battery operated. 

Battery life for the CDC-30 is around 50 minutes and given that it provides a deep vacuum than other pumps, this is more than enough time for an engineer to carry out an installation. 

As well as being battery-operated, it is also one of the only cordless vacuum pumps that offer a gas ballast valve. 

The pump offers a 15-micron ultimate vacuum and operates quietly when in use. The battery required is a standard AEG 18V which is normally associated with power drills. 

Those who purchase the CDC-30 via HVACTOOLS can also take advantage of a 12-month warranty, giving engineers that additional peace-of-mind that even if something should go wrong, their tools are safeguarded. 

Is The CDC30 Cordless Vacuum Pump Right for Me?

To ascertain whether the CDC30 is the right cordless vacuum pump for you will mean considering several factors. 

The duties of an engineer can vary greatly, so establishing the benefits that a CDC30 cordless vacuum pump can often depend on the size of the applications you’re dealing with. 

If you’re mostly working with large applications, then it’s advisable to use a wired vacuum pump. 

HOwever, this isn’t to say that the CDC30 Cordless Vacuum Pump isn’t beneficial when there is no power source, or looking to sustain an environment that needs to be risk free. 

What Type of Power Source is Preferred? 

Although the use of vacuum pumps connected to power outlets have proven to be successful for many engineers over the years, there can be restrictions when dealing with an application with an allotted time frame. 

This can be due to several reasons, such as restrictions to exploring the application, there could be potential health and safety hazards in some scenarios. 

As such, there will be times when a cordless vacuum pump is more viable than one that uses a power outlet. 

If you find that a wired vacuum pump is becoming hindrance with a majority of jobs, then the CDC30 can be a worthwhile investment. 

Similarly, some may be looking for a backup vacuum pump that doesn’t have to rely on a power source. 

Although the loss of power is rarely a problem, it can happen, As such, engineers are looking for more safeguard to ensure productivity isn’t hindered. 

The CDC30 cordless vacuum pump can ensure that there is always access to a vacuum pump, even if no outlet is available. 

Will You Need a One-Stage or Two-Stage Vacuum Pump? 

Depending on the application being worked on, there could be a need to meet a specific vacuum. 

Some engineers may only need access to a one-stage pump if dealing with rough vacuum levels. 

As the name suggests a two-stage vacuum pump a two-stage vacuum pump will offer more vacuum as there are two processes in motion when running the vacuum pump.

The high vacuum stage of the pump draws in the process gas and then transfers to a chamber that is low in pressure to ensure that a deep vacuum is achieved.

Ascertaining what type of pump suits you best ensure you make the best investment in the first instance. 

Although a two-stage vacuum pump is often more expensive than the one-stage counterpart, it can be an essential tool for engineers dealing with specialist equipment. 

This isn’t to say that a one-stage pump isn’t worth considering, it’s simply a case of purchasing a pump that will work for you best when operating in the field. 

Does The CDC-30 Operate Better Than Other Pumps? 

Given how many different applications engineers operate on, it would be unfair to state that only one vacuum pump is recommended for all repairs and installs. 

However, the CDC-30 is the only vacuum pump to offer two-stage functionality in a cordless form factor, so it is a unique tool in that regard. 

If engineers are going to be using a vacuum pump for long durations, then other pumps will also need to be considered. 

The battery of the CDC-30 offers enough power to fulfil an appointment, but it cannot be relied on as a primary vacuum pump when contending with large applications. 

If you’re unsure as to whether the CDC-30 is suitable for you, or just want advice as to what type of vacuum pump will suit your role best, then why not get in touch with HVACTOOLs today to discuss your requirements in more detail. 

All vacuum pumps supplied by HVACTOOLS are put through rigorous checks and come complete with a warranty, but the CDC-30 shows that even the most unique of needs can be met when purchasing tools from the right provider. 


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